animation has the power to bring your ideas and stories to life.
with animation there are no rules. you can change the laws of physics and harness the power of moving images to explain complex ideas and concepts in a matter of seconds. that’s why when a traditional video just doesn’t quite meet your needs, we’ll break the rules and use animation to deliver interesting and dynamic content to your customers.
it takes a few important elements to come together to make a really great animation. you need a good idea, interesting visuals and an interesting script well-delivered. we’ve got experience in delivering all of the above, so you don’t need to worry about any part of your next animation, we’ll take care of it.
our ongoing relationship with bae systems here in the uk has seen us face a number of different challenging projects. So over the years we've learnt to be flexible and look at different solutions to meet different needs. we were asked to help with laying the foundations for an ongoing drive to improve company culture. our solution this time was to use animation to convey concepts in a visually engaging manner. Watch the excerpt below to see an example of what we can do for you.
explore this project. >This can vary greatly depending on the needs of your individual project. An animation that only needs to be 30 seconds in length isn’t going to cost anywhere near as much one that is 5 minutes in length, but can vary depending on complexity. If you’re looking to get a cost nailed down, the best idea is to send us an example of what you want and we’ll tell you how much it would cost if we were to make that animation.
It all starts with an idea. It can be an idea you bring to us, or we can come up with an idea based around your project goals. From there we’ll need to look at the script if you’ve got one or write one for you. Next, is storyboarding where we create visuals to guide you through how the finished video will look. Then comes the actual animation and finally any editing and soundtrack work as needed.
If it’s a simple animated explainer video, perhaps 60 seconds in length, it should take around 4-6 weeks from start to finish. For longer and more complex projects you may be looking at 2-3 months, but in both cases we can usually do it sooner. Ultimately we’ll be able to give you a realistic project schedule once we’ve sat down and properly discussed the project with you.
During the scriptwriting and storyboarding process you can make as many as you like. It’s critical that the animation communicates your message in the right way, and this is the part where the foundations for success are laid. During the animation process it will vary based on project length, but don’t worry about making small changes if you need to later in the process.
We can work across a number of different styles ranging from character animations to motion graphics and animated titles for use with video. We can also work with whiteboard style animated videos to help you explain concepts or ideas to your customers. If you’ve got a specific style in mind already, send us an example and we’ll let you know if we can do it and how much it will cost.
here's a comprehensive list of the key animation services we can provide for you:
- animated explainer videos
- animated infographics
- animated title sequences
- stings and logo animations
- creative concepts
- ideas and storyboarding
- character development
- 2D and 3D animation
- professional voiceovers